services offered
While we specialize in providing industry standard Training in First Aid, Wildland Fire Suppression and Silviculture/Forestry, we also provide the following Services:
First Aid:
The requirement for Trained First Aid personnel and specific First Aid Equipment and Vehicles is outlined by WorkSafe BC for different job sites throughout every industry in BC to meet Occupational Health and Safety guidelines.
Strategic Fire Control provides services and equipment to meet those needs in the field. Our personnel are trained and certified with the appropriate levels of First Aid Training, and our Emergency Transport Vehicle (ETV) and Mobile Treatment Centers (MTC) are fully stocked with up to date First Aid Equipment to meet or exceed the WorkSafe BC requirements for job sites.
Strategic Fire Control also provides First Aid Vehicles staffed by Class 4 Drivers and Level 3 First Aid Attendants to the BC Wildfire Service on an annual basis during the busy forest fire seasons.
Strategic Fire Control has been involved in many projects over the years, and continues to be active in the forests of BC in projects such as:
Wildland Urban Interface – Fuel Mitigation projects
We provide treatment to areas of the forest that have been identified as potentially hazardous during a forest fire which are adjacent to communities and structures. Our work reduces the hazardous fuel conditions through a variety of treatment options such as removal of understory growth; removal of dead and dangerous trees; pruning of standing trees to remove ladder fuels; increasing the spaces between trees; removal of woody debris on the forest floor. (perhaps later we can include some before and after photos for some of these projects?
Ecosystem Restoration projects
We provide treatment to areas in need of habitat restoration of both plant and animal species as identified by wildlife biologists and registered professional foresters. We have completed projects for not-for profit organizations and for the BC government with treatment that has included Forest Health Surveys, Juvenile Spacing, Brushing, Slashing, Falling, Chipping, Pile Burning, Controlled Burns and Pruning.
Wildland Fire Suppression:
Strategic began providing Fire Suppression services in 1994 to the BC provincial government. Strategic has since provided Wildland Fire Suppression to the Alberta government and Parks Canada on an as needed basis in busy forest fire seasons.
Fire Crews: We provide 5 person, 10 person and 20 person fire crews to fight fire in areas as required throughout BC and Alberta. Our crews are experienced and take a safety first approach to fighting fire in all circumstances. (photos coming soon)
Structure Protection Crews: Since 2003, Strategic has been involved in working with the BC government to have crews working on site preparation and structure protection in areas where a forest fire looks to interface with structures, homes and community values to prevent forest fires from being catastrophic to those structures.
Structure Protection Unit Trailer: Strategic has a fully stocked Type II Structure Protection Trailer that can be deployed to fires around BC in order to assist with equipment requirements for Structure Protection Crews in protecting assets in the Wildland Urban Interface zones. (photo coming soon).
First Aid Crews: Since 2011, Strategic has provided 2 person First Aid “Medic” crews working in BC on wildland fires, providing on site First Aid Services to anyone injured at a wildland fire. Crews travel to and from the fires, and work using a fully stocked 4×4 Mobile Treatment Centre (MTC) aiding those in need of assistance.
More about training is available here: SFC Training Courses…
And more about us here: SFC About Us…
Contact us at: SFC Contact Us…